Friday, January 31, 2014

Communication Evaluations

I really enjoyed reviewing the results of the surveys for this week's application assignment. In addition to my participation, my mother and a colleague also completed the surveys, basing their results on how they thought I would score myself based on my communication skills. I found it interesting that all three of us placed myself in group 1 for the listening styles survey. I would have to agree that I am very people-oriented. I really try to focus on the message that is being relayed and the person who is relaying the message. In a conversation, I would much rather listen than speak. I have always been a quiet person, even in a professional setting. One surprising revelation that came from the results of the verbal aggressiveness survey is that I tend to be moderately aggressive. I like to view myself as passionate, especially when it is something that I care deeply about. If there is something that I know should be said or heard, I relay that message, even if it means that the person receiving the message could possibly be hurt by it. There are times where I do regret what I say, but for the most part, I think long and hard before I say something. This survey, however, made me realize that I may want to use more caution and evaluate my level of aggression depending on the situation that I am in.

One thing that I found interesting in the readings for this week was the concept of cognition for one's self. I know that I have a low self-esteem, which often carries into my professional life. I try to be a perfectionist at work because I have a fear of making a mistake or not being good enough. Whenever I lower my standards for something, I feel as though I have let other people down. I know that this is an area that I need to improve because my low self-esteem can potentially be sensed by the children and families that I work with. I want to teach them to think highly of themselves and be proud of their accomplishments and abilities, but first, I need to believe in myself. The other topic that I found interesting this week is the reliance that we tend to have on technology in order to communicate with others. Again, I am guilty of relying too heavily on technology because I can hide my feelings behind the text. I use technology because I do not want others to see my fears about bringing up a touchy subject or discussing a concern with a parent who potentially may not handle the situation very well. But, as a leader, I need to be able to have the confidence to interact with all types of individuals on a face-to-face basis and accept the fact that everyone makes mistakes and people often are uncomfortable in one-on-one situations.


  1. Hi Tiffany,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I am also people-oriented. I am very concerned about the concerns and emotions of others. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Tiffany,
    My assessments and those of my colleague and my husband that also completed these assessments all placed me in Group 1. The other two tests , they scored me the exact same or within 1 point of the same. I knew that any one who knew me would know that I am not verbally aggressive and that I am passionate about what others have to say, therefore I listen to others and my interest in what they have to say shows. I also would rather listen than speak, even in professional settings. I think that what I have learned about you through your blogs and discussions says a lot about you as a person and a professional. You speak with passion in most everything you post. I can tell that you are deeply concerned and want the best for those that you are involved with. I think that because of your fears, and your desire to be an effective professional, you will succeed in anything that you do. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  3. Tiffany,
    I found it interesting that you mentioned how we sometimes hide our feelings by using technology to communicate. The more I thought about it, the more I realize why I enjoy an online learning environment other than for convenience of course. It is because I can share my thoughts and feelings about topics without fear or feeling judged in comparison to having to share them with others face to face. You mentioned that you prefer to communicate about issues with parents using technology. Do you feel as if you are more effective in resolving the problem that way than you would face to face? All my communication insecurities aside, I make it a point to address issues with parents face to face because I fear that email may result in miscommunication. What are your thoughts? I am confident that over time, you will grow as a leader and become more confident in yourself as an effective communicator.

  4. Tiffany,

    I found this exercise very interesting. The people I chose to evaluate me also put me in Group. I would also much rather listen than speak. Although, there are times when I feel I am being impatient when listening. All of our experiences contribute to the types of communicators we are. I would have liked to take these assessments when I first started in the field years ago to see the differences in the scores. Do you feel if you had taken these assessments years ago there would be a difference in your scores?

    Thanks for the great post! Christina

  5. Tiffany,
    I too found it a little disturbing when everybody who took the assessments scored me as moderate on the verbal aggressiveness scale......until I read the description. We maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others' viewpoints, and have the ability to argue fairly by attacking the facts of a position rather than the person...that's not a bad thing. I was also placed in Group 1 by everyone who completed the assessment. I am people-oriented, which again isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I do get taken advantage of fairly often. That's another area where I have been trying to make some improvement.
    Like you, I also rely very heavily on technology to communicate and need to work on more face-to-face communication.
