Saturday, January 18, 2014

Observing Communication Without Sound

This week, I chose to watch an episode of Army Wives. I chose this television show because I have always been interested in watching it, but have never had a chance to do so. While viewing the show without sound, I noticed that I was really focusing on observing the characters' emotions and body language. Based on the body language of the characters, I noticed that there was a lot of jealousy between some of the groups of wives. I could also sense the tension in some of the relationships based eye movements and posture Once I turned on the sound of the show, I realized that many of my feelings about the characters were validated. By being able to listen to the sound, I was able to gain more information the nature of the relationships. If I had prior knowledge about the show, I would admit that my feelings toward the characters would persuade my observations and force me to focus on certain interactions among the characters instead of being able to take the objective approach that I did.


  1. Tiffany,
    Isn't it amazing all the emotions and messages we reveal through our facial expressions and body language? You were able to accurately determine that there was tension and jealousy among the characters just by observing their behaviors. This assignment was good reminder as to how important it is for us as professionals to be mindful of our own non-verbal behaviors when communications with others.

  2. Tiffany,
    I've heard a lot about Army Wives but have never seen even one episode. I find it very interesting how much we can "read" in a person's non-verbal communication-and usually be right on target with what is being communicated.
    This was an interesting and fun assignment that made me really think about non-verbal communication.

  3. Hi Tiffany,
    Thanks for sharing! I bet it was really interesting to watch a show that is known notoriously for being so emotional and gripping without the sound on. We need to come to work everyday with an objective approach to our interactions with others.

  4. Hi Tiffany,
    That show is a very interesting show and even without sound you are able to kind of feel their emotions though their body language. Thanks for sharing!
