Saturday, February 16, 2013

My Supports

I have realized that I have various support systems that help me get through each day. When I am at home, my family provides me with emotional support by showing me unconditional love, even when I feel that I am least deserving of it. They also provide me with physical support by helping with chores around the house and keeping me active while I'm chasing my 3 year-old around everywhere. My husband has always been the breadwinner of the family and has provided the financial support that we need to get by on a daily basis. When I am at work, my supervisor provides me with emotional support by providing me with encouragement and an "open-door" whenever I need to ask questions or need somebody to talk to. I also receive physical support at work through the various education and company policies and manuals that have been reproduced so that I can have them at my fingertips. I cannot tell you how many times a day I refer to the Head Start Act or Performance Standards when working on various assignments that have been handed to me at work. On a lighter note, coffee and chocolate give me the physical and emotional support that I need to tackle any tough challenge that comes my way.

A challenge that I hope and pray that I never have to encounter is being a single parent, especially since I am expecting my second child. I would not have that support person there to help provide the financial support to meet the everyday needs to keep our household going. I would struggle to put food on the table, keep a roof over our heads, have clothes on our back. These financial struggles would then lead to a large amount of emotional stress. I would have to rely on governmental assistance, if it was available to me at that time, to make ends meet and provide for my family. I would also have to rely on my family and friends to help me cope emotionally with the stress of being the main breadwinner for my family. Since I would be the main financial support, there would be a good chance that I would have to work multiple jobs, which would pull me away from spending valuable bonding time with my family. I truly give credit to the individuals who have to raise their children alone. They are strong individuals and they have earned my respect.


  1. Tiffany,

    I always enjoy reading your posts, you speak from the heart and one can tell how much your work and family mean to you. I like how you mentioned your open-door policy at work. It is always nice to have support from administration especially when we have rough days. Working with children, especially young children can make you really want that chocolate, it does me. That is true how you said it is a big support, sometimes that one bite is so soothing. LOL. Good luck with your pregnancy, my husband was deployed when I was pregnant with my second child and my first one was born while he was on deployment too. It is wonderful that you have so many supports and that your support system is very much intact. Melissa

  2. Hello Tiffany:
    First, I would like to congratuulate you for expecting your second child. I hope and pray for an easy and healthy delivery.
    All the supports you've described shows how much you value your husband's financial support. I have been blessed through my college years with similar support, without it, I don't think I would have graduated. I love your simplicity in discribing "chocloate and coffee" as a daily support for your "tastebuds" :) I hope and pray as well, that no human being is left alone with the responsibility of caring for children alone. May you all live a happy and healthy life together, always surrounded by your loved ones. I hope you will share with us your newborn's picture. :)

    Marijan :)

  3. Hi Tiffany,

    Being a single parent can be challenging and stressful. I was a single parent for eleven years, but I did have the support of my family,in-laws and ex-husband. Are you having a boy or girl!
